So, if I want to know how I’d have felt about Dr. King back then, I can’t ask myself how I feel about him now; instead I have to ask myself: How do I feel about Kaepernick now? If I want to know how I’d have felt about the Freedom Riders back then, I can’t ask myself how I feel about them now; instead, I have to ask myself: How do I feel about Back Lives Matter now?
If I want to know how I’d have shown up in the last civil rights era, I have to ask myself: How am I showing up today, in this civil rights ear?
What is racism? Racism is a marriage of racist policies and racist ides that produces and normalizes racial inequities. 什么是种族主义?种族主义就是种族主义的政策和种族主义想法的相结合,并合理化了种族间的不平等。
Racial inequity is when two or more racial groups are not standing on approximately equal footing. 种族的不平等发生于两个或多个种族群体没有站在平等的地上。
A racist policy is any measure that produce or sustains racial inequity between racial groups. 种族主义的政策就是所有产生或维持种族间不平等的政策。
A racist idea is any idea that suggests one racial group is inferior or superior to another racial group in any way. 种族主义想法就是任何把其他种族归位劣质或优等的想法
Racist policies have been described by other terms: “institutional racism,””structural racism,” and “systemic racism.” 种族主义政策的其他名字:“政策性种族主义”,“结构性种族主义”和“系统性种族主义”。
Racism itself is institutional, structural, and systemic. 种族主义本身就是政策性,结构性和系统性的
If discrimination is creating equity, then it is antiracist. If discrimination is creating inequity, then it is racist. 如果对族群的歧视可以创造平等,那它就是反种族主义的。反之,那它就是种族主义的。
As Audre Lorde said in 1980, “We have all been programmed to respond to the human differences between us with fear and loathing and to handle that difference in one of three ways: ignore it, and if that is not possible, copy it if we think it is dominant, or destroy it if we think it is subordinate. But we have to no pattern for relating across our human differences as equals.” To be an antiracist is a radical choice in the face of this history, requiring a radical reorientation of our consciousness. 如Audre Lorde在1980年所说:“我们对于人类间的不同的天生的回应就是三种:忽略它,如果不能忽略,如果它更强的话就去复制它,如果它更弱的话就去摧毁它。我们对于把不同的人们联系起来并平等以待的能力是后天习得的,并非天生如此。”在现在的历史环境下,成为一名反种族主义者本身就是一个极端的选择,需要我们对自己的良知有一个极端的变革。
Chapter 2 Dueling Consciousness
Assimilationists believe that people of color can be developed, become fully human, just like White People. Segregationists claim people of color are incapable of development, incapable of reaching the superior standard, incapable of becoming White and therefore fully human. 同化主义相信有色人种是可以被训练提升,成为真正的人类的,就像白人一样。分化主义者认为有色人种是无法被训练,无法达到更高级族群的标准,无法成为白人,继而无法成为真正的人类。
文中作者就同化和分化分别用自己父母社区文化的例子和政治政策等进行阐述。对于黑人,最常见的同化主义就是觉得想要在美国取得成功,成为中产,那就需要得到教育,一份稳定的工作,并用努力进取来获得世俗的成功。但是这其中的深层逻辑是,在美国的黑人要变成美国人,美国人就是白人,所以黑人用尽努力成为了白人。这个逻辑里面最大的问题就是它把一个种族的成功与失败的归因用另一个种族来丈量,并且把所谓的失败归咎于个人的不努力不进取,而不去探讨政策的原因,不去探讨政治上为什么黑人代表了低收入,低教育和高犯罪的族群。美国历史最著名的战役之一就是美国的War on drugs-毒品战争。旨在重型打击以大麻为首的毒品走私贩私。尼克松总统在1971年宣布了他的毒品战争,旨在摧毁他的反对党-黑人和反战人士。他既不能公开反对黑人或是反战人士,于是就找到了二者相同之处,再以政策和法案的名义明面上是反对毒品,实则打压异党。里根总统继任之后继续发扬了所谓的毒品战争,同时撤销了政府注资的工作机会,政府福利项目,撤销医疗低保,把本就不富裕的黑人家庭直接送上了贫穷之路,同时加大对黑人打压,八十年代的美国,每一个白人被警察暴力杀害,就有二十二个黑人死于警察之手。1990年美国投入了近15亿美金(比1989年多了10亿元),建造了24000个联邦监狱床位。老布什在任期间,在监狱服刑的人员比里根时期增长超一倍,老布什任期末期,一百人中有近10个黑人都在监狱服刑或者保释,而白人中的数量一百人中只有一人。这样的数据举不胜举,这就是政策上的种族歧视,但是由于同化主义,很多黑人积极的反对毒品,重视教育,因为他们要甩掉黑人和毒品的标签,却忽略了这个标签本身确实当权者强加赋予的。种族主义的政策就是有这样的魔力,因为它看不见摸不着家,所以稍不留神,政策就附着在了人的身上,成为了他/她的枷锁,充满了自我毁灭性的符号。
第一部the girl with the dragon tattoo有相对独立的故事,the girl who played with fire and the girl who kicked the hornets’ nest就是一个大故事的两章了。故事的情节戏剧,但是总感觉作者写了很多末节的线索想要扩大整个故事圈,但是最后的主线又不够强大来支撑所有的细节。但是这个structure的不足我基本可以忽略,因为对独立事件,Salander, Blomkvist的描写让我深深着迷。从整体来看,大的背景是salander和blomkvist等对一系列损害女性权利等事件进行追踪,而且把事情剥丝抽茧,逐步让整个庞大的幕后集团浮出水面。但是在此同时,几个主人公之间又有数不清的关系。Salandar的同志倾向,对性的独立; Blombvist的正直和跟数不清的女人的罗曼史;Berger和丈夫的open relationship和年轻时对性的狂热等等都是不常见的对主人公们的私生活的描写。其实这些都是和书里的事件产生了强烈的冲突,一个压迫一个自由,一个反女权反人权,一个宣扬性和性的独立自由。
标题基本上是了我对这本书中印象最深刻的两行字。 Howard 和 Boleyn家族的政治野心让我对英国皇室纷争稍稍有了点实质的了解,尽管Gregory或许对史实的描述更多的是戏说,但是权利和野心是政界永恒的主题。我不否认女人的地位很重要的一点就是决定在所嫁之人,所联之姻。不论是书中成为家族进位一枚棋子的Mary还是坚持走自己的路被贪欲侵蚀自取灭亡的Anne,或是之后的Jane Seymour,都是在自己的时代中被别人利用的木偶,不同于大多人的是她们的名字世人永记,但是惋惜的是他们虽出生在16世纪的英国,命运却让他们身不由己。在那个年代,在那样的光环和最亮之处的最黑暗,可以说是一种对生命莫大的惋惜和生活另一个方向的极致。Women for trade, but survive in family and their fates’ shadow.
Finally finished the book in my busiest final week. It is one of the books i just simply couldn’t put it down while sweating in my palms with eyes hooked between the lines. It is not something fun to read if you’re looking for a easy crime fiction or expecting a happy ending sort of thing. The plot was one of the things that was not discussed among my friends when giving it a thumb up. It is a great book, Larsson got the magical twisted ideas in a supra accomplished novel and Keeland turned that into perfect english. I do not really think the stories in the book is something normal to see in real life, it’s definitely rare but feel so true that the same time.
you’ll find it a sick(good) book if you devoted some time to read 🙂
The quotes in every several chapters and the whole theme about the victims of women made me aware of the issues in this society. How many women are victims today under any sort of sexual assaults, tortures or even more? What can we do to protect ourselves? What made today’s situation even no one can blame anybody since it’s too long and complicated to identify the problem?
This book evokes our awareness, evokes women’s position in human rights.
Ps, just got to know today that the original name in Swedish is “the men who hate women”, very true.